Have you ever wanted something so badly, though it seemed as if it would never happen? Have you ever wanted or expected something to happen but the outcome was totally different from what you imagined? Or, have you ever gotten your hopes up for something, only to be let down. I think it is fair to say that most of us have been on the receiving end of such disappointments. Personally, I can say that this has been my experience on more than one occasion. I distinctly remember the feelings of frustration, sadness, and even anger at times. Though interestingly, the feeling that resonate the most is impatience. The feeling of watching time pass as you wait and wait for something that you feel in your heart should already be yours. The feeling of experiencing yourself lose hope with each passing day, week, and month.
So I ask, have you ever taken the time to reflect on why this happens? Have you ever noticed how our environment has primed us for impatience? Just how much our happiness, contentment is tied to immediacy? We live in an impatient world where we want everything quick, fast, and in a hurry. We expect all elements of our lives to be on our time schedule. We’ve somehow come to believe that texts, calls, job opportunities, relationships, etc. should also present when we want and when we expect. Do I dare say that we have become so privileged in our thinking to assume that our desires take precedence over all other competing factors?
As you reflect on those questions and truly tap into the thoughts that are the root of your impatience, I encourage you to do the following:
- Perspective-changing: We should make a conscious effort to change our perspective (focus). While waiting we seem to only think about the issue and the desired end result. By doing this we limit our openness to other possibilities and the ability to see things from a broader lens. Imagine how feelings would change on the journey, as opposed to just the end result.
- Acceptance: Similar to changing our perspective, we shouldn’t dwell on the what and the why, but on how will I get better in the process. We should put our energy into learning to accept what will happen when it’s supposed to happen. Acceptance helps to minimize the stress and frustration while maintaining hope that opportunities have been missed.
- Walk Away: Imagine if we learned to cut our losses and understood and accepted that not all desired opportunities are meant for us. Imagine if we learned to walk away and shifting our focus on what we do have and/or other opportunities presented to us. Sometimes we become so organized around what we don’t have that we try to force something that may actually be detrimental to us. The art of walking away acknowledges that what is ours will be for us.
- Adopting Positivity: Learn to look on the bright side. Be positive. Life is already difficult enough without the self-adopted added negativity. When we allow ourselves to be positive, despite our circumstances, we prohibit them from becoming heavier. We, in turn, are able to control the weight and effect that the unpleasant circumstances has on us.
With that in mind, know that impatience is the enemy to hope. While waiting, allow your character and faith to be strengthened, remain positive and know all things work together for good. We must allow God to work in our waiting and trust the process.